
From Wightpedia

Wightpedia was started in 2016 as a place to record ‘snippets’ of historical/local Isle of Wight interest – the logic being that once something is researched and known about, having it appropriately recorded and indexed, generally under place and topic, will make it readily available to help others in future. Over the years Wightpedia has grown with inputs from various people being included.


It is now time (June 2021) to open Wightpedia so that people can contribute directly on the website.

Like Wikipedia it will be a collaborative effort to build a database of items of island historical/ local interest.

To contribute you DO NOT need to create a free account to add to, or amend existing pages, but without an account, any contribution will be reviewed before the change/addition is published. Also, without an account, you will not be able to create new pages or upload images - to register for an account, just click on the 'Anonymous' label (top right) and follow the 'Create account' link.

Guidelines for contributing are simple, just remember:

  • Wightpedia is not a place to advertise, sell something,  or post announcements/insults etc, there are various Facebook groups etc which fulfil these needs.[1]
  • Do not enter any personal or contact details for any business or living person, other than, possibly, websites.
  • Please respect copyright, do not 'copy and paste material' from other websites, books or other sources.
  • Once images (gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg and png) can be uploaded (ie after 5 days, and 5 edits), the preferred maximum width dimension is 1000px, although please set the width within Wightpedia to 300 or 400px – clicking on an image on a Wightpedia page will show the larger version.
  • Before creating new pages, please double/triple check that the topic isn’t already included, possibly under a different title.
  • To give contributions gravitas, please quote the sources you’ve used for the information where possible and/or give sources for further information.
  • Don’t worry about where your contribution will fit in the index etc.; all contributions will be reviewed and the necessary links added.
  • Please always 'Review' edits etc. before saving them - this will avoid you having to re-edit a change you've just made if you find a typo or grammatical error in it.

  1. Having said not to advertise businesses etc., if a business or regular event etc. has a significant history, or is housed in a historic building, feel free to post the historical information and add a link to the website of the business/regular event etc.